
Sunday Aug 05, 2018
Episode 34 - Farewell to Bess & Erica's Rock 'N Roll Music Hour
Sunday Aug 05, 2018
Sunday Aug 05, 2018
Well this was a difficult show to put together.
I enjoyed the 2 years my grandmother and I devoted to doing our special show but in observance of the one year anniversary of her death I think it's time to bring our show to a close.
It doesn't mean I won't do episodes to honor her and my grandfather's birthday but I felt it time to end Bess & Erica's Rock 'N Roll Music Hour. It just isn't the same without her and never will be.
So on this episode I bid farewell to our wonderful show and spent 12+ hours putting together all my favorite parts of ALL 24 episodes we did together.
I hope you enjoy this special show and just a HUGE thank you to everyone that was involved in making our show so special
(in order of appearance on the show):
Fast Mollasses
Nora Lee Hayter
Loyd Lanning
The Hazelwoods
Ethan Shane
CJ Ramone
Denver Dalley
Miwi La Lupa
Josh from Grimey's
Shannon Pollard
Cheetah Chrome
Linnea Quigley
Dave Cantrell
Jennifer Armstrong
I covered her song:
"A Little Girl's Dream of Nashville"
And thank you as always to every single listener and fan of our show and us. We love you.
And as always please download all our songs for FREE here:

Saturday Jun 30, 2018
Episode 33 - Special Guest Jennifer Armstrong
Saturday Jun 30, 2018
Saturday Jun 30, 2018
On this episode we have a very special guest named Jennifer Armstrong. She is a lovely lady and artist from the UK. Jennifer creates incredible art works using just torn paper and crayon and you must check her out! She has sold hundreds of paintings and her art is even owned by notable celebrities! Her personal story of how she came to be is awesome.
I cover:
"Plug in Baby" by: Muse
Thank you SO much Jennifer for being a part of my podcast!
Self portrait of her
The one and only Debbie Harry and Alice Cooper both holding their pieces of artwork Jennifer made of and for them!! Too cool!
Check her amazing art out HERE:
Download this cover I did and all my covers for FREE here:
Happy 100th Birthday Eddy Arnold! playlist:

Monday Apr 30, 2018
Episode 32 - Record Store Day 2018!
Monday Apr 30, 2018
Monday Apr 30, 2018
On this episode I talk Record Store Day and about my new RSD cover song release at Grimey's and chat a moment with past special guest Sunshine about her experience at Record Store Day in her own state of Iowa!
My cover song release! "Cut Here" by: The Cure
The Cure's Torn Town/Mixed Up artwork:
As always download my new cover song and all my covers at:
And as always HUGE thank you to Grimey's Preloved and New Music in Nashville!!
Please continue to support them in their move to East Nashville!

Saturday Mar 31, 2018
Episode 31 - Special Guest: DJ and Dark Wave/Post-Punk Expert Dave Cantrell
Saturday Mar 31, 2018
Saturday Mar 31, 2018
This week I had a great interview with Portland Oregon DJ, Post-Punk/Dark Wave expert, and festival coordinator Dave Cantrell!
He is in charge of running Oregon's only Post-Punk/Dark Wave music festival: Out from the Shadows!
We took a bit to chat about his DJ career, his love for discovering that genre of music and how he got where he is as a festival coordinator!
I chose The Cure's "Boys Don't Cry" as my "Post-Punk/Dark Wave" cover!
Also please go check out his festival if you live in the Oregon area!
And please go check out his Dark Wave/ Post-Punk compilation album release and pick up the vinyl AT:
Thanks for a great interview Dave!
and download this and all my covers HERE:

Wednesday Feb 28, 2018
Episode 30 - Special Guest: Sam Karkanen
Wednesday Feb 28, 2018
Wednesday Feb 28, 2018
On this month's episode we have special guest, California artist/illustrator/popular Instagramer: Sam Karkanen!
She took a moment to audio respond to a few questions I asked her about her artwork and social media presence!
I also asked her to choose the song I covered for this episode and she chose a favorite of mine by one of my idols: Joan Jett.
Which I thought was so cool considering we don't personally know each other and she could read me so well, ha!
I sing: "Bad Reputation" By: Joan Jett
Here's a few of my favorite pieces:
Thank you SO much Sam for taking the time to be on my show and I love your work so keep it up and stay fuckin' awesome!

Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
Episode 29 - Happy Birthday Bessie Lanning!
Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
On this episode we celebrate the first birthday of Bess' since her passing. We miss her so much so this was really a tough one, but I felt it only appropriate since we have done birthday episodes for Floyd to do this one for Bess!
Today we celebrate your incredible talent and birth January 31st, 81 years ago.
My mother Tara sings:
"Satin Sheets" by: Jeanne Pruett
I sing:
"The Ballad of Bessie Lanning" acoustic by: Me, Erica Case
I love you so much granny.
Happy Birthday from here on earth from all of us.

Thursday Nov 30, 2017
Episode 28 - Happy Birthday Floyd Lanning! with guest co-host Shannon Pollard
Thursday Nov 30, 2017
Thursday Nov 30, 2017
It's November again and time to celebrate my grandfather Floyd Lanning's birthday, which was on the 9th!
It would be his 94th, to be exact, if he were still living.
I also had the honor and pleasure of sitting down with past special guest/ Eddy Arnold's grandson, Shannon Pollard, and having him as my guest co-host!
And he took part in the celebration by honoring his graparents' wedding day that happened this month as well on the 28th!
What a wonderful and special episode we got to share along with sharing the sentiment of honoring our amazing and talented grandparent's.
As I mentioned on Shannon's guest episode, Eddy Arnold was my grandfather's musical idol so this is pretty cool I got to share a couch with his own grandson.
Thank you so very much Shannon!
Intro: "Boquet of Roses" - Eddy Arnold
Cover by: my grandfather, Floyd Lanning
I cover:
"Jim, I Wore a Tie Today" - Eddy Arnold
(download FREE at: http://soundcloud.com/erica-case1 )
My grandfather in the 70's and his guitar
A lovely wedding card from Eddy and Sally's wedding day in the 40's
Eddy Arnold and his guitar
Get all my grandfather's music and Eddy covers at:
Keep up with all things Eddy Arnold at:

Monday Oct 30, 2017
Episode 27 - Halloween Special Guest Linnea Quigley!
Monday Oct 30, 2017
Monday Oct 30, 2017
It's that time of year again to have a Halloween special and Bess wouldn't have this year any different. So, I was lucky enough to get in contact with legendary scream queen Linnea Quigley, and talk about her iconic horror films she's been in and her upcoming work.
I cover: "Partytime" (Zombie version) by: 45 Grave
Linnea as Trash in Return of the Living Dead (1985)
Linnea with Dinah Cancer the lead singer of 45 Grave

Friday Sep 29, 2017
Episode 26 - Special Guest Cheetah Chrome
Friday Sep 29, 2017
Friday Sep 29, 2017
On this episode we have the one and only Cheetah Fucking Chrome from one of the roudiest punk bands that ever was, the Dead Boys!
I got to catch a cool phone interview with him while he was off tour in his home town of Austin, Texas.
I cover:
"Caught with the Meat in Your Mouth" - the Dead Boys
Also pick up their 40th anniversary re-release of their debut album called:
Still Snotty: Young Loud and Snotty at 40
And as always find my covers I do for the show at:

Thursday Aug 31, 2017
Episode 25 - Celebrating The Life and Legacy of Bessie Lanning
Thursday Aug 31, 2017
Thursday Aug 31, 2017
Well, if you know me or if you keep up with us on social media you've heard of the painful passing of the better half of this show, and my grandmother Bess.
She made me promise I wouldn't stop playing my music or going on so here I am carrying on the show and she appointed and approved her daughter/my mother Tara Lanning to stand in as a co-host tonight and from time to time.
On this episode we celebrate her beautiful life and legacy by sharing covers we dedicate to her, some of her classic guitar pickin', and sharing some wonderful recordings of her and I that have never been posted before.
We hope you all enjoy.
We miss you and love you more than any words could ever express Bess.
Live recordings featured in the episode:
"Kansas City" - Fats Domino
"Walk & Talk" - Norma Jean
"Hey, Good Lookin'" - Hank Williams
"Sweet Fern" - The Carter Family
"Fox on the Run" (guitar riff she's played for years)
My mom, Tara Lanning covers:
"Little Rich Boy (Little Rich Girl)" by: Marty Robbins
I cover:
"My Little Lady" by: Jimmie Rodgers
When we went to see Jerry Lee Lewis for her birthday
Representing all of us as a trio when we played "Mule Skinner Blues" together
Sweet picture of Tara and Bess
As always get ALL our covers for FREE here:
*And shout out to Chris Hardwick and his Nerdist Podcast:
for featuring us and telling people to listen to our show!
Thank you Chris we love you!